Arctic Svalbard

I stand on the deck, in the front of the ship, apart from one or 2 other die hard photographers I am alone outside. The wind blows and cuts into my face, yes it is cold, but I don’t really mind. I dig my chin deeper into the collar of my bright orange (such an out of place colour!) arctic duvet coat, my gloved hands in my pockets, my cameras dangling by my sides. My hands reach for my camera, one or the other, then back into my pockets. White mountains that continuously change, clouds that do the same. The sun shines and beams through the clouds, then it starts snowing again. The clouds are constantly changing colour and shape. The ship cuts through the ice, bang-bang it sounds. Then the ice is gone and water is as flat as a lake. There is drama and at the same time calm, all around. For hours I stand here and soak it all in. I am over the moon. This is my kind of paradise.

(my diary)

Click to read more about this trip and my photos