One might wonder what I have been up to lately, and there’s an easy answer to that : I’ve been estivating. While everyone probably knows what hibernating means (wintersleep), estivating (summer sleep) is less known, but that’s what I have been doing for the last couple of months -photographically speaking that is-.
I find blue skies in photography boring, sunlight in summer is too harsh, the days are too long, sunrise is too early and sunsets too crowded, there are people everywhere (locals and tourists), streets and squares are loaded with tables and chairs, or the so called ‘terraces’. While the majority of the human species gets excited, energetic and finds it the best time of year, I find myself longing for the short dark winter days that bring storms and storm clouds. And snow. Loads of snow.

But well; it’s summer, what to do about that?
I haven’t exactly been procrastinating, it was a perfect time to do all kinds of other things related to photography or not, as long as I didn’t have to take my camera outside.
But it is all taking too long, the summer seems to last for ever, I got really bored, so I figured it’s time to wake up.

Today is that day. I take my gear and drive off to Gent to a church that is just lovely -one that reminds me of my favourite church in Antwerp, the Carolus Borromeus church-, but is not really known to tourists. It is just off the traditional tourist route, but not really far off : Gent is but a small town. The Onze Lieve Vrouw Sint Pieterskerk on the St Peters Square.
It is usually quiet, although, not so when I arrive : someone is playing the organ with passion, which gives my shoot a magical air. I wish he’ll play forever, and I regret when it ends. I carry on in silence.
I am still loving panorama photography, and I decided it’s time to take it inside, as everyone is outside with this lovely weather. It’s more challenging in every possible way, but still, it is loads of fun! The shooting, the choosing and the stitching of the photos..

Let me know if you like it! Which one do you prefer?
Let me know in the comments below!
Hey Katti,
you nailed it. Sommer time has its weaknesses. It’s getting interesting when the sun is down. That’s the time the crowd leaves and light get’s interesting. But, yes, it’s late. Your first picture reminds me of my picture in Siena in Santa Maria in Provenzano where I took one of my picture of Don Enrico from the same perspective.
Hope you are doing well!
See you in Siena, sometime.