Snowshoot in Belgium
For the last couple of years I have been working on one particular theme : the panoramic photo. The idea started out of necessity. There was this thing known as a pandemic, with alongside it, a lock down. We were not allowed to leave our houses, later on, and for what seemed an endless time, […]
What exactly is beauty?
Images of Buenos Aires
One might wonder what I have been up to lately, and there’s an easy answer to that : I’ve been estivating. While everyone probably knows what hibernating means (wintersleep), estivating (summer sleep) is less known, but that’s what I have been doing for the last couple of months -photographically speaking that is-. I find blue […]
As an artist, exhibiting is, without any doubt, one of my main goals. Creating art is lots of run, but being able to share it with others is the cherry on the cake. Wether people visit the exhibition or not, like it or not, buy something or not, follow you on social media or not […]
Don’t we all like a good panoramic view? From a hotel room over the city, on a mountain with view over the valley, on top of a skyscraper… That is something the eye loves, but the camera has difficulty with. Haven’t we all heard the phrase ‘but it was so much grander in real life!’ […]
a visit to the Pannenhuis station
Do you also have (long) to do lists? I do, I always have, but now, thanks to this pandemic I am able to cross one after the other out. Here is another one! Historical self portrait : check! This has been on my list for many many years; it seems like a piece of cake […]
I have traveled the world, maybe not in 80 days, but when I think of it now, it sure felt like that. Too many trips in too little time. This is probably the first time in my life that I didn’t travel for (almost) a year. Then comes the pandemic and there I am, stuck […]