Continuous exhibition in Gent

In case one might wonder, being a fine art photographer is a full time job. The carefully choosing of locations, events, weather situations is one part, the actual shoot another, probably the shortest, editing and processing the images probably takes half of my time, and printing and framing is the final part. Seeing the picture on your computer or in a real live print is quite another thing.

Choosing which one to frame is the easiest part : I just listen to my heart! When the image touches me I’m sold, I just need to chose the perfect size for that particular image and the final process of printing and framing can start.

These final art pieces can be viewed during exhibitions and fairs on different locations throughout the year, but on special request I have now also opened up a continuous show in my studio near Gent.

If you are curious to see the final result and want to see the images live, do not hesitate to contact me for an appointment, so we can meet there and discuss the images in person!

NB Contact details in ‘contact’ tab!



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