The World Photographic Cup is a photographic competition unlike any other, comparable to what the Olympics are in sports. This year is the 6th edition, where 32 countries from 4 continents have handed in 3 photos per category (commercial/digital art illustrative/nature/portrait/reportage/ wedding), taken by several photographers, and aiming to become the best national team.
It was founded in 2013 by the FEP (Federation of European photographers) together with the PPA (Professional photographers of America). Today the UAPP (United Asian professional photographers) and the AIPP (Australian institute of professional photographers) are also taking part.
Last year the winning team was from the US. Even though Belgium has not yet won the cup, we have had several medals over the years. Martin Steenhout (silver in 2014), Koen de Langhe (gold in 2015), Ann Coppens (bronze in 2017), Evi Polak was finalist in 2018.
I am proud and honoured to have been selected as one of the photographers to represent my country in the category ‘digital art’, with this work called “The Game”.
In case you want to see “the Game” in real life, it is now on view in my exhibition “disclosure” in Ampla House Gent, this weekend and the next. And yes, it is also for sale.
Disclosure, Ampla House, Coupure 88, 9000 Gent Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th of November, from 11am to 6pm Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of November, from 11am to 6pm