My Kind of Paradise, an expedition to Svalbard.

I stand on the deck, in the front of the ship, apart from one or 2 other die hard photographers I am alone outside. The wind blows and cuts into my face, yes it is cold, but I don’t really mind. I dig my chin deeper into the collar of my bright orange (such an […]

Christmas Cards are here!

You might have gotten impatient, maybe you are one of the many who has asked me if I still do cards. And yes, I do! Here they are! I have made 4 sets 10 cards, each with 2 different images, all taken during my Svalbard trip. They are 23X12cm (standard size) and printed on thick […]

Art Exhibition Biënale Aalter

It takes place every 2 years in the beautiful castle of Poeke, Aalter. Nothing new there, but this year the date is slightly different : it will be 2 months earlier then normal, you can now view my work in the joint exhibition from September 1 to September 11! And Yes!! I am participating!! This […]

Be prepared!

The holidays are approaching fast. Are you ready? You have probably booked your destination, planned your visits, know more or less what clothes you will take, which book to read. But did you think of taking your camera with you? Of course, there is this magnificent little device called the iPhone, which takes splendid holiday […]

The Panoramic View

panoramic photo of Pantheon Paris

For the last couple of years I have been working on one particular theme : the panoramic photo. The idea started out of necessity. There was this thing known as a pandemic, with alongside it, a lock down. We were not allowed to leave our houses, later on, and for what seemed an endless time, […]

Biking Sunday, images of Buenos Aires.

Images of Buenos Aires