Corona Sale!

Patagonia art katti borre

I am cleaning up my stock, and I have 8 exclusive works on sale!

They are part of a series ‘In search of the Patagon’, taken during my 6 weeks roadtrip through Patagonia in Argentina a few years ago. 

If you haven’t made it to Patagonia yet, it might not happen in the near future, maybe you have been there and want a nice photo on your wall, or maybe you just want to get some beautiful landscape on your wall : this is the time!

Normally €1200, now for only €600 the photo is yours, and if you buy 2, you get the book ‘In search of the Patagonia’ as a gift!

They are all 120cm x 70cm, printed on photo paper and framed in Diasec, which makes the colours pop even more.

To buy, send me an email by clicking the link under the photo, and we arrange the sale!

First ordered first served!!

I look forward to hearing from you and, stay safe!!

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